Best Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces

UPDATED Apr. 2024
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If you are struggling with snoring problems, you should know that you are not alone. Millions of people around the world struggle with snoring and there is no real common link between them all. Snoring may be common, but the side effects of the sleep disorder can be disheartening, to say the least. Chronic fatigue, mood swings, and depression are just a few issues that manifest where snoring is present. If you are on the hunt to get rid of your snoring woes forever, you may want to consider adding one of the best anti-snoring mouthpieces to your repertoire. In this guide, we will focus on anti-snoring mouthpieces, the varieties that they come in, and how these magical products work. Anti-snoring mouthpieces are among the most effective anti-snoring products on the market, so keep reading to discover if they are the right solution for your needs.

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ZQuiet is one of the most popular anti-snoring mouthpieces on the market. This device is highly regarded for its flexible design, comfortable build, and effective approach to eradicating snoring forever. ZQuiet is so easy to use that you can even drink while wearing it.
  • Medical grade build
  • Very comfortable
  • Affordable pricing
  • Good for sleep apnea
With aveoTSD, snoring can quickly become a problem of the past. aveoTSD is a tongue stabilizing device that comes in a one-size-fits-all package. Made of medical grade silicone, aveoTSD is one of the most reliable anti-snoring mouthpieces available on the Internet.
  • Uniquely designed
  • Backed by testing
  • No customization
  • Medical grade material

What Are Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces?

If you are one of the countless individuals that struggle with snoring, you are probably wondering what you can do to make it stop. Snoring isn’t something that most people talk about, so it can be hard to gauge just how many people are struggling with the sleeping disorder. With that being said, we know people are looking for ways to treat their snoring and there are plenty of options around on the Internet. One of the most effective and viable ways to address your snoring is by adding an anti-snoring mouthpiece to your nightly routine. Sounds good, right? But what exactly is an anti-snoring mouthpiece?

An anti-snoring mouthpiece is a product that you wear inside of your mouth before you go to sleep at night. These mouthpieces are built to help you cure your snoring by attacking the actual, physical process of the act of snoring. We’ll get more into the process of snoring at a later time, but first, we want to talk about the two primary types of mouthpieces that are available and found to be effective within our industry. We’ll be discussing mandibular advancement devices and tongue stabilizing devices. While we are sure that there are other anti-snoring mouthpiece categories in the world, these are by far the most common and most effective versions of the product that we know about.

Mandibular Advancement Devices – These are the most common anti-snoring mouthpieces on the market. Far more common than tongue stabilizing devices, mandibular advancement devices comprise the majority of our list of the best anti-snoring mouthpieces. Mandibular advancement devices, often shortened to MADs, work by targeting your lower jaw. MADs extend your lower jaw by fractions of a millimeter in order to attack the way your jaw rests while you sleep.

unhappy woman having sleepless night with sleeping and snoring manWith a mandibular advancement device in your mouth, your jaw will be pushed forward and your airways will be opened up as a result. Your jaw being pushed forward helps to prevent your tongue, which is attached to your lower jaw, from collapsing into the part of your airway that gets obstructed.  Mandibular advancement devices work to effectively treat snoring by preventing the root cause of the sleep disorder. These products are also useful in treating obstructive sleep apnea in certain people.

Tongue Stabilizing Devices – Also known as tongue retaining devices (TRD), these products are fairly different from the aforementioned mandibular devices that we outlined above. Tongue retaining devices work to hold your tongue in a forward position, but they go about the process in a completely different way. Rather than forcing your jaw forward, tongue stabilizing devices instead directly approach your tongue. Typically, users of a tongue stabilizing device will feed their tongue through a small opening into a larger chamber. With your tongue in that chamber, your airways will be freed up and you will be able to sleep without worrying about snoring.

We’ll discuss the differences and benefits of these two devices more thoroughly in the following sections of our guide. However, knowing the two primary anti-snoring mouthpieces at the very beginning of our discussion can help to inform you as you read the rest of our guide. We should also mention that the third most common anti-snoring product is the CPAP machine, which is most often associated with problems like obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP machines are prescription-based and on a different price level than the two other mouthpieces that we mentioned above.

How Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces Work

In order to properly treat your snoring, it helps to fully understand the process itself. Additionally, in order to make the best purchase for your anti-snoring mouthpiece, it also helps to know how these products work. In order to clear the table of both topics while also setting you up for future success, we’re going to answer some questions about the mechanics of snoring while also showcasing how these snoring mouthpieces actually function.

The Role Of Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces

Let’s start by first discussing how anti-snoring mouthpieces actually function from a more scientific perspective. We’ll start by exploring each type of anti-snoring mouthpieces individually so that we can focus on how they specifically approach snoring through their primary functions.

Tongue stabilizing devices approach snoring from the perspective that your tongue needs to be addressed in order for you to be able to sleep. For some reason, people who snore have the tendency to let their tongue collapse into the back of their mouth. When this occurs, snoring is the result. When your airway becomes obstructed by your tongue, you end up with the reverberating sound of snoring that is so iconic and disheartening.

Young African Man Sleeping On BedWith tongue stabilizing devices, the process of getting rid of your snoring is thankfully pretty simple. These anti-snoring mouthpieces typically come in a single size so that you don’t have to worry about customizing your fit or ordering a special option from the manufacturer.  Once you have your tongue stabilizing device, you can follow our simple guide below:

  1.  Start by rinsing your TSD in warm water with some toothpaste. You want it to be clean the first time that you wear it.
  2.  Hold the tongue stabilizing device up to your mouth with the slotted chamber pointing the correct direction.
  3.  Gently insert your tongue through the front of the device and into the chamber. Here, your tongue will be able to comfortably rest throughout the night.
  4.  Squeeze the outside of the chamber with two fingers in order to set the ‘pressure’ of the chamber. By setting the pressure, you are allowing your TRD to hold your tongue in place throughout the night.
  5.  Go to sleep. If your TRD falls out during the night, make sure to properly ‘pressurize’ it the next time that you go to bed.

With your tongue pulled forward, you are immediately addressing the root cause of snoring. Tongue stabilizing devices seek to help keep your tongue out of the way without actually adjusting your jaw. There are pros and cons to addressing snoring in this way and we will talk about those later on in our guide.

Mandibular advancement devices require a little bit more setup before you can use them to their maximum potential. They work by aligning your jaw and pulling your lower jaw forward by a millimeter or two. By doing this, you are also physically moving your tongue away from the back of your throat. Mandibular advancement devices are supremely popular in the anti-snoring world for a reason: they simply work. Let’s look at the process of using a typical anti-snoring mandibular advancement device.

  1. After acquiring your MAD, take a moment to read the custom fitting directions to see if you have to actually customize your fit. Seeing as most mandibular advancement devices require a custom fit, move on to step #2.
  2. Gather the necessary supplies in order to do your boil-and-bite fitting routine. Typically, you will need to boil water while having a bowl of cold water on hand.
  3. After you go through the exact fitting process, which depends on the product, you are ready to sleep with the device in your mouth.
  4. After your first night of use, pay attention to any signs of potential side effects. If the product worked, you are already likely feeling much more well-rested. If the product didn’t work, you are likely feeling some of the side effects that we will outline a bit later.

Mandibular advancement devices are among the most common anti-snoring devices in the world and they are recognized by medical professionals as well. They work to treat generalized snoring as well as snoring due to problems like sleep apnea.

Now that we understand the two primary anti-snoring mouthpieces, we can move on to discuss the mechanics of snoring itself.

How Does Snoring Work?

When you hear snoring, you are really hearing your obstructed airways reverberating while you are trying to breathe throughout the night. Snoring can come and go or it can be a constant condition that plagues you throughout your life. There is no rhyme or reason as to why some people snore and why others don’t, though there are certain triggers that can work to exacerbate the condition and other larger problems that can trigger snoring.

young couple holding pillow on the ears because of snoring boyfriendAs for the mechanics of snoring, it may be connected with the tissue in the back of your throat. When you fall asleep at night, your body goes into full-on relaxation mode. During this relaxation time, the muscles in your body begin to relax. Your tongue, being a muscle, also relaxes. When your tongue falls back toward your throat and you try to breathe, you are greeted with the snoring sound that we all know too well.

Additionally, snoring can be caused by problems within your nasal cavity. If you suffer from chronic congestion in your nose, then that could be one of the triggers for your snoring. If you suffer from polyps or a deviated septum, then you might also end up dealing with snoring in your nose. While this guide is focused on anti-snoring oral mouthpieces, there are also products available that seek to address snoring as a result of nasal issues.

What Are The Symptoms Of Snoring?

Snoring isn’t a problem that has zero side effects. Despite what many people think, snoring impacts more than just your significant other – it impacts you and your health as well. Let’s go ahead and look at the common side effects of snoring so that you can stay informed if you need to talk to a medical professional.

Chronic Fatigue – If you find yourself in a perpetual malaise during the day, you might be struggling with snoring. Snoring prevents you from getting the quality rest that you need in order to function effectively. Snoring is at its worst when you are in your REM cycle and your REM cycle is when you are supposed to be getting your highest quality of rest.

Mood Swings – When you are tired, you are likely grumpy and when you are grumpy, you are probably quick to lash out at people. Mood swings and personality alterations are, generally speaking, commonly found in people who have problems with snoring.

Tense Relationships – If you and your significant other share a bed or if you share a room with another person, your relationship might become quite frosty and strained due to your snoring. Snoring is loud and aggravating and though it is no fault of your own, it can lead to stressing out people who can hear you. Nobody wants to try and fall asleep to the sound of someone else snoring.

Getting Used To Your Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece

While anti-snoring mouthpieces can be a revelation, they do require a little bit of practice and a little bit of patience while they are being used. Each type of mouthpiece, MAD or TSD, comes with its own unique set of traits and characteristics that you will need to take some time getting used to. Let’s look at how you can acclimate to each individual type of mouthpiece.

Getting Used To A Tongue Stabilizing Device

With a tongue stabilizing device, you are getting a product that is exceptionally short of side effects. Unfortunately, with a tongue stabilizing device, you are also getting a product that can be hard to get comfortable wearing at first.

Young Woman Is Getting Irritated With Head Med SnoringWhen you start using your tongue stabilizing device, you should consider spending some time ‘practice wearing’ the product until you are comfortable with how it feels in your mouth. Typically, most people don’t spend much of their lives with something attached to their tongue, so the sensation can feel pretty alarming at first. Most manufacturers, such as aveoTSD, suggest that you wear your TSD mouthpiece for two or three hours the day that you receive it. Your tongue will acclimate and you will get used to feeling the product.

The other aspect of acclimation that you go through involves practicing routine maintenance and dental hygiene. You may not think like this at first, but you really need to consider treating your tongue stabilizing device like an extension of your teeth. Wash and clean your TSD after use and let it air-dry. There’s no point in beating up on snoring only to create another health issue.

Thankfully, once you are acclimated to the feel of your tongue stabilizing device and the cleaning routine involved, you are good to go.

Getting Used To A Mandibular Advancement Device

Mandibular advancement devices are a little bit more involved in the acclimation process than their tongue stabilizing counterparts. The big difference is due to the nature of the pressure that is being applied to your actual jaw. This pressure can lead to general jaw soreness and even some sensitivity in your mouth relating to your gums and your teeth.

Mandibular advancement devices are tremendously effective at treating snoring and sleep apnea, but they are beholden to a variety of different side effects that can impact a small minority of users. We’ll talk more about side effects later on in our discussion, but you should know that minor side effects might spring up during the acclimation process. Most manufacturers suggest that you take a few weeks to see if the side effects abate.

As you can see, it doesn’t take much in order to get comfortable wearing an anti-snoring oral mouthpiece. The differences between the two devices are relatively small and each one has been proven effective at treating snoring in clinical studies.

Can Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces Stop Snoring For Good?

The goal of using an anti-snoring product is simple: to eradicate snoring from your life. With how expensive some of these anti-snoring mouthpieces can be, you would hope that they would be guaranteed to get rid of your snoring forever. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to snoring. Some people find tremendous success with snoring mouthpieces while others are unable to eliminate snoring for good.

At the end of the day, you need to use your anti-snoring mouthpiece as just one part of your approach to battling snoring. Make sure to address your snoring in other ways as well: getting quality rest, using other anti-snoring devices like pillows or anti-snoring spray, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in physical activities.

Getting rid of your snoring forever isn’t about effort, it’s about finding the right equation to solve your problems. Start by working with your anti-snoring mouthpiece and then build up from there.

In Summary – Anti-snoring mouthpieces can absolutely stop your snoring. However, they may not work for everyone.

Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces & Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleeping disorders in the United States. It manifests itself when your upper airways become blocked or obstructed during sleep. In most cases, these blocked airways simply result in the sound of snoring. In some cases, severe cases, there can be a complete air blockage which results in you not being able to breathe! This is obviously not an ideal situation and it leads people to pursue solutions to immediately help relieve their sleep apnea. Can anti-snoring mouthpieces help to combat sleep apnea? With some of the best anti-snoring mouthpieces on your side, we believe they can.

boy shows myofunctional trainer to illuminate mouthAfter doing plenty of research, you’ll find that there are certain anti-snoring mouthpieces that can absolutely treat sleep apnea.  Typically, these mouthpieces are of the mandibular advancement device variety but there are tongue stabilizing devices that also can help you to fight off your obstructive sleep apnea.

When looking for solutions to your sleep apnea, it helps to have the input of a medical professional on your side. Sleep apnea can range from mild to severe and severe sleep apnea might require a more intense approach, such as a CPAP machine or potentially even surgery.

In Summery – Anti-snoring mouthpieces can be effective in treating mild to moderate sleep apnea. For severe sleep apnea, consider reaching out to a medical professional for a consultation and some guidance.

Are Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces Safe To Use?

By now you’ve probably already found out that the vast majority of anti-snoring mouthpieces have been approved by the FDA. Still, does that mean that they are safe?

Anti-snoring mouthpieces like MADs and TSDs can only work if they are safe for you to use. When you sleep, you are at your most vulnerable. You wouldn’t be able to safely sleep with a product that could hurt you! With that being said, there are some things to know about anti-snoring mouthpieces.

The Reality Of Side Effects

When using an anti-snoring device like a mandibular advancement device or a tongue retaining device, side effects are going to be a possibility. Fortunately, the vast majority of side effects that you encounter will be minor in scope and quick to go away with the prolonged and proper usage of the anti-snoring mouthpiece. Still, for the sake of clarity, you should understand the side effects that you are coming up against.

Mandibular Advancement Device – Side Effects

With mandibular advancement devices, the most common side effects that you may run into include:

  • Sore Jaw – The nature of wearing a large device in your mouth overnight can naturally lead to potential jaw soreness. As your body acclimates to the device, your soreness should go away.
  • Loose Or Weak Teeth – In some rare cases, typically with people who already have dental problems, mandibular advancement devices can lead to loose or weakened teeth with prolonged usage. This is an incredibly rare side effect.
  • Excessive Drooling – Though embarrassing, this minor side effect traditionally abates with use. Make sure that you have a properly fitted mouthpiece in order to minimize this issue.
  • Gum Sensitivity – Finally, gum sensitivity is another common side effect of using a mandibular advancement device. Like flossing, this typically goes away with use.

Tongue Stabilizing Device – Side Effects

Tongue stabilizing devices are typically revered for their lack of side effects. With that being said, tongue stabilizing devices do still have a few issues that tend to manifest themselves, including:

  • Tongue Soreness – Much like the sore jaw, this is typically due to your body having to acclimate to a new sensation. This side effect usually goes away with use.
  • Excessive Drooling – Embarrassing, but not really a problem. Excessive drooling occurs mostly when your body is acclimating to the product.

As you can see from our breakdown of side effects, both types of anti-snoring mouthpieces are pretty much completely safe to use on a nightly basis.

How To Choose The Right Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece

So, you’ve made it to the end of the road. You are packed with information about anti-snoring mouthpieces and you are ready to purchase a product of your own to take home. The only question that remains is this: which mouthpiece is right for you and how do you decide?

Choosing the right anti-snoring mouthpiece is a matter of personal preference, but there is some science involved in the process. You will have to balance three primary categories: your budget, the type of mouthpiece that you want, and finally whether you breathe through your mouth or nose at night.

The anti-snoring mouthpieces that we listed on this page all vary in terms of their type, price, and what kind of breathing you are required to do.  Take a moment to assess your own personal situation before jumping in and making a purchase.

Our Top Picks

After multiple rounds of rigorous testing, we have identified the best snoring aids currently available. Now it is time to choose the best snoring aid for you. With the mini-reviews below, you can find out what makes each of our top picks unique and superior to other solutions on the market and discover which one constitutes the most effective solution for your snoring problem.

1. ZQuiet

Best overall

ZQuiet homepage
Let’s start off our reviews of the best anti-snoring devices on the market by talking about ZQuietZQuiet is an effective anti-snoring mouthpiece that works to address snoring at its most basic function, your larynx. With mandibular advancement devices, your jaw is placed into focus while a slight forward movement works to impact the level of your snoring at night.

ZQuiet looks fairly forgettable at first glance, but that is just because it does so many things well. ZQuiet is made of flexible material that allows the product to showcase what is called the living hinge technology. The living hinge technology is a ZQuiet exclusive that allows you to open and close your mouth while the mouthpiece is still installed. This means that you are able to talk and breathe through your mouth at night, two things that are essential for people who are looking for a product with a little more flexibility.

Additionally, ZQuiet is a ready-made mandibular advancement device that requires no special fittings in order to work. The majority of MADs on the market require you to boil the entire product before biting into it in order to make sure that your product fits you. With ZQuiet, you simply open the box and get to bed. ZQuiet is made of one single material, a special thermoplastic elastomer, and the entire product has been tested and approved by the FDA. While the price for ZQuiet is a little bit on the high side, we can’t argue with how effective and flexible it is.

2. aveoTSD

Best for snorers with dentures

aveoTSD homepage
With aveoTSD, you are getting a specialized tongue stabilizing device that works to keep your tongue where it should be while you sleep. When you first lay eyes on aveoTSD, you are going to think that the product might be a pacifier of some sort. Despite the quirky design and eyebrow-raising color scheme, aveoTSD has quickly become one of the most high-quality anti-snoring oral products available throughout the industry.

aveoTSD is a one-size-fits-all product that is ready to go as soon as you open it. Like with all other tongue stabilizing devices, aveoTSD will take some time to acclimate to when you first begin wearing it. Practice wearing the device throughout the day for a few hours at a time and you’ll have a lot more success with the product when you go to sleep. At night, aveoTSD should rest comfortably in your mouth while your tongue slightly protrudes within the specialized ‘chamber.’ This keeps your tongue from rolling back into your throat and causing snoring.

Made out of medical grade silicone and backed by an FDA approval, aveoTSD is safe and free of side effects. The only downside of the device is that the price is on the higher end of the scale for most oral anti-snoring devices. However, if you are willing to pay up for a product, it might be worth considering aveoTSD over a premium mandibular advancement device.

3. Good Morning Snore Solution

Best for snorers with bruxism

Good Morning Snore Solution homepage
Upon first glance, Good Morning Snore Solution doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. This tongue stabilizing device looks like it was pulled right out of a baby’s crib and the clear material used to make the product only make it seem all the more bizarre as a result. Still, despite the odd appearance, we have to admit that Good Morning Snore Solution is one of the most effective anti-snoring products on our entire list.

Often shortened to just GMSS, Good Morning Snore Solution works to stabilize your tongue while you sleep instead of focusing on your jaw placement. By focusing solely on your tongue, Good Morning Snore Solution doesn’t come with the side effects that can occur in mandibular advancement devices. Good Morning Snore Solution allows you to easily insert the tip of your tongue into a small chamber where it will be held comfortably throughout the night. As with all tongue retaining devices, you’ll have to take some time in order to get used to the product.

Good Morning Snore Solution is backed by clinical data and it comes with a risk-free guarantee that allows you to try out the product for a full month while still getting your money back. The only downside to Good Morning Snore Solution, outside of the design, is the fact that you have to be able to breathe through your nose at night. If your snoring is a result of issues within your nose, this product won’t do the trick for you.

4. VitalSleep

Best for snorers with bruxism
VitalSleep homepage

VitalSleep is one of the newest entries into the anti-snoring mouthpiece world and it is quickly earning a reputation as being one of the top products around. At an affordable price of just under $60, VitalSleep will catch the eyes of many people looking to buy their first anti-snoring device. VitalSleep is a mandibular advancement device that specializes in keeping your jaw pulled forward a small amount. While this is right in line with other anti-snoring MADs, it isn’t the only feature worth mentioning regarding VitalSleep.

The developers of VitalSleep knew that customization was key to having an effective anti-snoring mouthpiece. Right off the bat, users can choose between a male or female product. After choosing the right product for their mouth, customers will be greeted with an additional customization feature: a micro-adjusting tuner. Instead of making you boil some plastic and bite into it, VitalSleep puts all of the control into your own hands.

Outside of the ability to finely tune and adjust your deviceVitalSleep proves itself to be effective for people who breathe through their mouth and for people who breathe through their nose. In fact, VitalSleep will allow you to open up your mouth to a nearly 25-degree angle while the product is installed for the night. This kind of flexibility is impossible to ignore and it makes VitalSleep one of our favorite products on the market. We suggest buying VitalSleep two-packs in order to make sure that you always have a device handy when you need it.

5. SleepTight

Best for throat snorers

SleepTight Mouthpiece homepage
While SleepTight doesn’t have a very original name, the product itself looks like it can be a gamechanger for people all around the world. SleepTight is an oral anti-snoring device that fits into the mandibular advancement category. The focus of SleepTight is simply to keep your jaw pulled slightly forward while you rest – by a matter of millimeters – in order to help relax your throat. As an anti-snoring mouthpiece, SleepTight does a number of things well and a few things different than the competition.

The first thing you’ll notice about SleepTight is the unique clear style that looks vaguely futuristic. Introduced to the market back in 2014, SleepTight uses a boil-and-bite routine in order to allow users to customize their mouthpiece to their own mouth. Having a customized mouthpiece allows for the product to be more effective at its job. The most impressive aspect of SleepTight is the fact that it features a dual laminate design, which helps users to get a perfect bite and impression on the device.

Built out of medical grade silicone, SleepTight is able to last a pretty long time in comparison to other mandibular advancement devices. With proper maintenance and upkeep, along with an accurate first-attempt at boiling the product, you might be able to keep your SleepTight going for a full 30 months. With that kind of longevity, SleepTight becomes an instant favorite for people struggling with snoring. Add SleepTight to your repertoire if you need help with minor sleep apnea or chronic snoring.

6. SnoreRx

Best for mouth breathers

SnoreRx homepage
If you want to get back to sleeping well at night, SnoreRx might be able to help you out. SnoreRx is a mandibular advancement device that is actually pretty different from some of the other options available, especially if you are using our list of the best anti-snoring mouthpieces as your foundation. Let’s look at what makes SnoreRx so special in such a crowded field.

To start out with, SnoreRx offers a flexible jaw-adjustment feature that few other MADs are going to be able to mirror. By twisting a small nodule, you can adjust the specificity of your MAD by single millimeter movements. Alongside this unique re-fitting ability, SnoreRx also has a specialized cushion built into its body so that it is comfortable for you to wear throughout the night. A mandibular advancement device that is not comfortable is basically never going to be able to do its job.

SnoreRx is definitely one of the most impressive anti-snoring mouthpieces on the Internet. The fact that it can last up to a total of 15 months is particularly impressive, especially considering that many MADs only last 4 – 6 months. While the price for SnoreRx is a little bit high, if you are willing to pay for a premium product, this might be the one that you need to take home. SnoreRx has a packaged satisfaction guarantee, so if you aren’t satisfied – let their team know.

7. SnoreMeds

Best for mouth breathers

SnoreMeds homepage
SnoreMeds is a fairly underrated mandibular advancement device despite the number of satisfied users and premium price of the product. SnoreMeds works like all other mandibular advancement devices, but the company praises their product as being the only anti-snoring mouthpiece that is actually comfortable to wear. Is this the truth?

Well, SnoreMeds has been on the market for almost a decade now and customers continue to rave about the product.  Right off of the bet, SnoreMeds impresses with its durable build and FDA-approved list of materials.

SnoreMeds fits comfortably into your mouth and the fact that you can pick from multiple sizes should help to allay fears about the lack of customized fitting methods, such as biting and boiling. Once in your mouth, SnoreMeds has an additional air hole to help for easy breathing while you sleep. Comfortable to wear, we can see how SnoreMeds would make an immediate impact on people who snore.

The biggest downside to SnoreMeds is that the product needs to be replaced two to three times per year. Despite the frequency of disposal, SnoreMeds is as effective an anti-snoring mouthpiece as there is on this list. If you can get over the fact that you have to replace your SnoreMeds mouthpiece at least two to three times yearly, then you might be able to put snoring in your rearview mirror forever.

8. ZenSleep

Best for all snorers

ZenSleep homepage
What makes ZenSleep special in comparison to the rest of the options you will find on our list is simple: it is a complete, all-in-one system. ZenSleep is meant to be used as an entire system, which means that you will be employing several different products on a nightly basis. For the sake of our discussion regarding anti-snoring mouthpieces, we will focus only on ZenGuard.

ZenGuard focuses on keeping your tongue comfortably in place while you sleep so that it doesn’t fall back into your throat when you hit your REM cycle. By doing this, ZenGuard effectively spares you from one of the most common triggers related to snoring. ZenGuard is a TRD and it is built to be used with the other components of the ZenSleep system, which include earplugs, a chinstrap, nose vents, and even an eye mask.

ZenGuard doesn’t do anything dramatically different than the other anti-snoring oral devices you’ll find on our list. Instead, ZenGuard does its core job well. Comfortably resting inside of your mouth, ZenGuard works throughout the night to keep you calm and composed. With your snoring in check, you’ll be able to slip into that deep and restful sleep that you so desperately need and deserve. ZenGuard can be effective when used alone, but we advocate using it with the rest of the ZenSleep system.


Best for chronic snorers

ZYPPAH homepage
In the world of anti-snoring mouthpieces, very few products can do what Zyppah manages to accomplish. Zyppah is a hybrid mouthpiece that offers the benefits of both mandibular advancement devices and tongue stabilizing devices. Addressing your snoring problems on two different levels will obviously give you an advantage but the question remains: does Zyppah do the job well?

At a glance, Zyppah looks like an athletic individual’s personal mouth guard. The vibrant green and black design is striking and probably helps to win over people who are afraid of looking dorky while wearing their anti-snoring mouthpiece. The visual appeal is a nice touch, but the real work is going on underneath the hood, so to speak.

Zyppah works to effectively help you reposition your lower jaw by pulling it forward slightly. While your jaw is pulled forward, the tongue stabilizing aspect of the product goes to work. With your tongue stabilized and your jaw slightly repositioned, your snoring should be gone for good. With this dual-pronged approach in play, we’d be hard-pressed to find many other products that would outrank Zyppah as one of the best anti-snoring mouthpieces on the market.

Your first Zyppah can be purchased online, but you’ll only be able to buy the ‘nonprescription’ version of the product. In order to buy one of the ‘prescribed’ models, you’ll need to visit either a Snore No More Center in California or you’ll have to have your medical provider prescribe you one of the products.

10. AirSnore

Best for light sleepers

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It can be easy for an unassuming mandibular advancement device like AirSnoreto get lost in the shuffle. AirSnore has only been around for a few short years, debuting their line of mandibular advancement devices back in 2016. Sold alongside AirSnore sleep drops, AirSnore’s mouthguard is supposedly a comfortable and affordable alternative to the other more expensive mouthpieces on our list. Still, without name recognition or a hefty price tag – is AirSnore worth adding to your inventory to battle snoring?

As with all mandibular advancement devices, AirSnore works to pull your jaw forward in order to reduce the stress of the mechanics that lead to snoring. AirSnore’s mouth guard works like many other anti-snoring mouthpieces, but it lacks a critical component: customized fitting. There is no boil-and-bite customization routine and you won’t be forced to fidget with tiny ‘fitting’ notches on your AirSnore device. Whether this is a benefit or a negative is entirely up to how AirSnore works for you.

AirSnore is built out of pharmaceutical-grade components and the materials are all FDA-approved. With an additional breathing hole, you are able to wear AirSnore even if you are primarily a mouth breather – something that is uncommon for most mandibular advancement devices. As one of the most affordable options on our list of the best anti-snoring mouthpieces of 2018, you can’t go wrong giving AirSnore a shot.

* All the prices on this website are subject to change without notice. While we put a great deal of effort into making sure that all the prices are accurate, one or more products may have outdated prices. Please visit the specific product’s official website for exact prices.