SleepPro Review

UPDATED May. 2024
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SleepPro mandibular advancement device can only yield the desired effects in tongue-based and mouth snorers. It is not suitable for nasal snorers and it may not be the right fit for individuals who wear dentures, which is why consultation with a dentist is advised. It should not be used as an alternative to CPAP therapy. If used in treating obstructive sleep apnea, consultation with a medical professional is strongly advised. Potential side effects include jaw fatigue, sore gums, and excessive salivation.

Low-quality REM sleep or sleep deprivation can cause any number of serious health issues, including memory loss or lapses, depression, headaches, false memory, diabetes, obesity, seizures, mania, and many others.  

To help you stop snoring and finally get a good night’s sleep, we introduce SleepPro, a company dedicated to eradicating all causes of snoring and improving sleep quality. Their anti-snoring products have been approved by numerous doctors, hospitals, clinics, and dentists worldwide. Read our in-depth SleepPro review to discover an affordable and effective solution for your snoring/sleeping problems and finally allow yourself and your partner a rejuvenating night’s rest. 

SleepPro homepage

What Is SleepPro?

SleepPro is a company offering numerous anti-snoring aids, alongside appropriate tools for keeping your mouthpiece clean at all times. They have helped thousands of people with their products and also bring about many benefits for their potential future users.

Their signature SleepPro stop snoring mouthpiece, which comes in many iterations, is a mandibular advancement splint that helps you stop snoring and regain the quality of your sleep. It works by advancing your lower jaw, which introduces a slight tension in the tissue of your upper airway. This will keep it open at all times, helping you breathe more easily and comfortably while you sleep.  

How Is It Different?

SleepPro is a unique anti-snoring mouthpiece. Here are some aspects that differentiate SleepPro from other similar products on the market:

  • Variety  Right off the bat, SleepPro offer 10 different iterations of their anti-snoring mouthpiece, which is something we don’t see often when it comes to snoring aids. Usually, companies have one or two products in their portfolio and that’s it. SleepPro stands out due to the sheer volume of products they offer to their users. 
  • Clinically tested – All the products sold by SleepPro are clinically proven by numerous institutions and doctors all around the world. This provides you with additional peace of mind since you know there are no hidden dangers for your health lurking from their mouthpieces. 
  • Long tradition  Companies that deal in snoring aids usually haven’t been on the market for too long. SleepPro, on the other hand, was founded in 1998, which means they have been delivering high-quality anti-snoring products for almost a decade. A longer presence on the market is usually the best indicator of high-quality products and good service.
  • Partnership with MEDiTAS  Not much to say here except the fact that MEDiTAS is one of the leading manufacturers of mandibular advancement devices in Britain. They have been working with SleepPro since the company was founded.  
  • Ease of use  SleepPro devices are very easy to handle, unlike some other rivaling products.
  • Cost-effective  One of the biggest advantages of SleepPro mandibular advancement devices is their cost-to-value ratio. Compared to dentally-fitted devices, SleepPro is a bargain, offering the same amount of comfort, utility, and snoring prevention.
  • Safety  As we already mentioned in our SleepPro review, these snoring aids are all clinically tested and approved. This makes them absolutely safe to use since they’re comprised of medical-grade thermoplastic and free of BPA or latex.
  • 30-day money back guarantee  SleepPro is a company that believes in their products, so they have no problem offering a full 30-day money back guarantee. Basically, this eliminates any potential risk for you as a customer since you can simply return the device if you’re not satisfied with it. Needless to say, not many companies adopt this practice.

Fitting The Mouthpiece

They have numerous mouthpieces in their portfolio, which all require different fitting procedures. Here’s our comprehensive outline of achieving the perfect fit for you new SleepPro MAD.

SleepPro, Easifit, Sleep Tight, Woman, Contour, and Splintdirect use the boil and bite technology. First, you should boil some water and pour it into a mug. Leave it for 1 minute to cool down since it’ll render your mouthpiece unwearable if it’s too hot. You shouldn’t boil water in a microwave.

SleepPro-Fitting The Mouthpiece

Immerse your mouthpiece completely and leave it in the hot water for 2 minutes. Shake off the excess water after taking it out and push any floppy bit back into place. Also, you should position the notch at the top before biting into the mouthpiece.

Position the device on your lower teeth and close your mouth. Bite hard and start moving your lower jaw forward. Do this for about 10 seconds. Start watching yourself in the mirror and bite firmly for 20 seconds. You should see the breathing holes insert moving up like a drawbridge while you move your jaw. If you don’t see any elevation while moving your jaw forward, the mouthpiece will have no effect on you. Also, if your lower and upper teeth are touching, you shouldn’t use the mouthpiece.

SleepPro-Fitting The Mouthpiece

After the “biting” step, start using your index finger like a toothbrush to mold the device against your teeth. Simultaneously, start pushing your tongue against the inner part of the mouthpiece.

After 30 seconds, remove the device from your mouth and put it in cold water. Test the device out after it cools down to check if it fits. This concludes the boil and bite process. You should repeat the procedure at least once to acquire a better fit. You can also remove the white plastic part before using the device but don’t throw it away since you’ll need it if you ever decide to remold your MAD.

SleepPro-Fitting The Mouthpiece

SleepPro Custom, Custom AM, and Night Guard require a different molding approach. When you order one of these mouthpieces, SleepPro will send you a dental impression kit used by professional dentists for the custom versions and molding putty for Night Guard. In both cases, the kit comes with a comprehensive instruction, so you shouldn’t have any problems making your teeth impression at home. You should then send your impression back in the provided packet and one of the SleepPro professionals will create your personal anti-snoring mouthpiece.


Boil and bite:

  • Boil some water and pour it into a mug, let it cool for 1 minute
  • Immerse the mouthpiece
  • Bite on the mouthpiece for 10 seconds and move your jaw forward
  • Bite firmly for another 20 seconds and watch the plastic insert movement
  • Mold the outside of the mouthpiece with your index finger
  • Push the inner side with your tongue
  • Remove and put in cold water, wait until it’s completely cooled
  • Repeat the process if needed

Custom fit:

  • Follow the instructions and create an impression of your teeth
  • Send the impression back to SleepPro
  • Start using your personal custom-made anti-snoring mouthpiece


Here are the current prices for all SleepPro devices: 

  • Dream Sipper – Around $28
  • SleepPro Easifit – Around $52
  • SleepPro Sleep Tight – Around $72
  • SleepPro Woman – Around $52
  • SleepPro Contour – Around $86
  • SleepPro Custom – Around $200
  • SleepPro Chin Support Strap – Around $26
  • SleepPro Night Guard – Slimline – around $46; Standard – around $50; Cushionfit – around $56
  • SleepPro Fresh & Clean – Around $9
  • SleepPro Custom AM – Around $215

SleepPro Pros & Cons

If you are still unsure if SleepPro is right for you, check out the key advantages and flaws of this snoring aid.


  • A multitude of different products  
  • Advanced fitting process 
  • Safe and clinically tested materials 
  • Company with a long tradition (since 1998) 
  • Devices can be worn by some users with dentures 
  • Reasonable pricing  
  • Thin material for greater comfort 


  • Devices may cause some drooling or soreness 
  • Longer waiting times 
  • Devices turn rough and uncomfortable when treated with water that’s too hot 

Bottom Line

As seen in our SleepPro review, this is a renowned, well-established company partnered with one of the best British manufacturers of mandibular advancement devices. They also offer a lot of variations of their main product, allowing you to achieve the perfect fit.

Their MADs feature all the shortcomings every similar device in the world has, which can’t exactly be viewed as a negative point. Our SleepPro review painted a picture of a comfortable, safe, tested, customizable, and effective snoring aid, so we can only recommend the company as one of the best currently on the market.  

User Reviews (4)

SleepPro customer rating based on 4 user reviews.

The SleepPro reviews listed below reflect the opinions and experiences of real users and are in no way influenced by the company reviewed here. Before publishing each review, our team checks whether it was submitted by an actual user in an effort to prevent false or spammy reviews.

  1. M Chew | May 14, 2021

    In Jan 2021 after a short call with SleepPro I ordered the Silensor for my bruxism, snoring and mild sleep apnoea. But after following the instructions exactly the Impression Kit putty/tray became completely stuck on my lower teeth. No matter how much/carefully I pushed and wriggled (causing my gums to bleed) I couldn’t dislodge the mould at all. Neither SleepPro nor Meditas (the manufacturer) could be reached as it was a Saturday. The mould was so uncomfortable with hard putty sticking into the sides/back of my mouth and palate. I tried to trim them with scissors but a large piece at the back was too risky as I couldn’t see it clearly and it could’ve fallen into my throat causing me to choke (to death). Trying to grip the mould from under my tongue made me gag/stop breathing. It was incredibly frightening, especially as SleepPro/Meditas hadn’t warned of any potential risks nor what to do in an emergency. I also became afraid the stuck mould if dislodged might pull off my dental crown underneath it. So I rang NHS 101 who luckily found an emergency dentist just before her weekend closure. But she also couldn’t shift the mould. The material was far too hard to cut through and she couldn’t risk accidentally cutting my teeth/gums. Finally, after slicing off bits of putty around my gums, with her assistant gripping my head and my clamping myself to the chair she used brute force to wriggle/yank the mould off. The mould had been stuck in my mouth for a horrendous 3+ hours and left me with internal/external mouth bruising, bleeding gums, tongue blisters and canker sores for almost 2 weeks.

    I emailed SleepPro right away asking for a refund and reimbursement for my NHS costs. That Monday, I duly received the money but was astonished the company didn’t ask for any details of what had happened. When I queried this they claimed they hadn’t wished to “exacerbate any distress caused at the time”! I was more distressed that SleepPro seemed disinterested in learning from my experience to help prevent future similar incidents until I pushed them on it. Their response made me very uneasy, and further investigation showed SleepPro makes many claims without substantive evidence:

    (1) Their claim of being “NHS approved” is based on a single 2014 (TOMADO) study of “83 analysed patients” using 2 SleepPro products. This very small, limited study is an inappropriate, misleading basis for the company’s sweeping claims about itself and all its products. (2) The rest of the “Clinical Research” page links are generally about night guards for bruxism yet are presented to be easily mistaken as research for SleepPro’s products specifically. The company’s “Background, Worldwide Independent Research, and Details of Technical Data, Certification and Product Composition” are headlined but no such information is actually given (see also the unsubstantiated claims in the website’s footer text). (3) For a company incorporated in 2008 (Meditas in 1992) with “worldwide reach” it’s odd the website has only 252 reviews, mostly 5* and none below 4*. It’s hard not to wonder if these are chosen to give a skewed picture of SleepPro’s products/customer service. Also, the 21 x 5* reviews on the Silensor page are actually for the SleepPro AM Custom with a few for unnamed products; if there are no reviews for the Silensor why not be transparent about it? (4) SleepPro claims to have “expertise in oral surgery and dental techniques” but Companies House shows the two co-owners’ occupations as “teacher” and (former) “dental technician”; where’s the evidence for the company’s scientific expertise?

    I asked SleepPro to back-up their claims and revise their online/printed materials with information about potential risks, detailed moulding instructions, and clear emergency guidance. But after being ignored by the company for weeks, only when I threatened to sue did SleepPro reply to say they were conducting an “internal investigation”.

    3 months after the incident, SleepPro declared their putty wasn’t at fault and the problem was due to “user error” (untrue) and to my interdental gaps the putty had filled in; but if I’d applied “even, slow upward pressure” the mould could’ve been removed, that I’d merely experienced a “stuck sensation”! This patronising dismissal of the horrific trauma caused by their product and breach of duty of care towards me as a customer is unacceptable. That SleepPro is more focused in offering me money to halt my legal suit than in immediately making changes for customer safety speaks volumes. Would a responsible company resist giving the information or substantiating their claims as I’d asked? I don’t want anyone else to have to go through what I did. Please be very careful to choose a genuinely credible and trustworthy company.

  2. James Martin | May 25, 2018

    I ordered Sleeppro Custom and not only have I stopped snoring almost immediately (the mrs. says thank you btw) but I also saved a ton of money based on what my dentist wanted to charge me. The mouthpiece fits perfectly and it didn’t cause any pain or soreness and never falls out during the night.

  3. Alice Johnson | February 25, 2018

    My husband says it’s very comfortable and doesn’t bother him while he sleeps. On the other hand I got some quality sleep first time in years.

  4. Brent Blackburn | January 3, 2018

    I accidentally dipped the piece into the hot water and it became practically unusable.

  5. William Jackson | July 15, 2017

    It feels like the piece is taking up a lot less space in my mouth than my previous mad.

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* All the prices on this website are subject to change without notice. While we put a great deal of effort into making sure that all the prices are accurate, one or more products may have outdated prices. Please visit the specific product’s official website for exact prices.